Sand and rubble

Limestone rubble is used in the construction of roads, squares, foundations, drainages and routes. Stone with a larger fraction is used in places with a high load, and stone with a smaller fraction is used in places with a lower load


Uses of different fractions:

This selection is always available on site at VMT Betoon and ready for loading. Smaller quantities can be placed in the trolley of a passenger car. If necessary, we can deliver larger ones ourselves. The maximum weight of our single load is 15 tons.

Sandtonn16 €
Limestone rubble 4-8tonn30 €
Limestone rubble 4-12tonn25 €
Paekillustik 8-16tonn25 €
Limestone rubble 16-32tonn25 €
Limestone rubble 32-65tonn25 €
Filling material 0-55
(Crushed concrete)
tonn8 €
Granite rubbletonn61 €
Sõelmedtonn13 €
*Prices include 22% VAT

1 m3 of rubble weighs 1.5 tons


See also: